Medical Laboratory Technician (AAS)

Medical Laboratory Technician (AAS)

Medical Laboratory Technician (AAS)

Medical Laboratory Technician, AAS

The Medical Laboratory Technician AAS prepares a graduate for employment in a clinical/medical laboratory. The graduate will perform routine lab testing for blood, urine, cultures, and other body fluids under the supervision of a medical laboratory scientist. Other responsibilities include performing test/instrument quality control and maintenance on a daily basis, as well as evaluating test results.

Program Information

The Medical Laboratory Technician Program (MLT) provides hands-on learning to students in areas like blood banking, clinical chemistry, and microbiology. The program prepares students to work in a clinical or medical laboratory setting. Medical Laboratory Technician’s perform tests on blood and other body fluids to aid the doctor or other healthcare providers in diagnosing a patient’s illness or condition.

The Medical Laboratory Technician Program is a 2-year Associates Degree of Applied Science. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to take the  American Society for Clinical Pathology national certification exam (ASCP and/or AMT). This certification is recognized in healthcare organizations throughout the United States. The Medical Laboratory Technician Program sponsored by Central Arizona College Health Careers is designed to provide educational experiences which prepare the students for a professional career in the medical and clinical laboratory as a vital part of the health care team.

Student Information

2024 MLT Program Info and Admissions Packet

Related Occupations

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.

Nursing (AAS)

Nursing (AAS)

Multiracial medical students communicating while learning at college hallway.

Nursing, AAS

Central Arizona College’s Registered Nursing Program prepares students for the medical workforce or to complete further education to specialize in clinical practice, teaching, or administration.

Program Information

About Nursing Program

Our mission is:

  • ·Teaching safe, evidenced-based practice
  • ·Reaching out to a culturally diverse population within our community
  • ·Understanding trends in nursing education and health care dynamics
  • ·Empowering student learning through the use of innovation and technology

The program course sequence begins for new students each Fall and Spring semester. Class size is limited, making entrance into the CAC Nursing Program highly competitive. Those interested in additional information or an application to the program can attend a Nursing Information Session.


Application and Advising Process:

  1. Attend a Nursing Information Session to obtain an application, which is held monthly (except summer).
  2. Meet with an Advisor and develop a Master Academic Plan (MAP)[PDF]; signed by an Advisor. (Bring to advising meeting unofficial copies of all your transcripts.)
  3. Send official transcripts to Central Arizona College’s registrar.
  4. Take HESI entrance exams at a Central Arizona College’s testing center .
  5. Meet all criteria: GPA 2.75; BIO201/202 taken within the last 5 years; Pass HESI exam, AZ LPN or LNA; Eligibility to register for ENG101 and MAT141.

Turn Application Packet in by Deadline:

  1. RN Traditional Track Application Points Form
  2. Application Advisor MAP [PDF]– signed by an Advisor
  3. HESI exam taken at Central Arizona College
  4. LNA or LPN proof
  5. Unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended (including Central Arizona College)
  6. Bring packet to W110 at SPC campus, mail certified,  or email application to

Past student have used study resource: HESI A2 Practice Exam app,  and Nursehub


  1. March 1st, 6:00 pm for Fall term
  2. June 15, 6:00 pm for Spring term
  3. If the dates above fall on Friday or the weekend, the deadline date would be the following Monday

Nursing Information Session(s)

The Nursing Division is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Nursing Information Session for our Traditional RN-AAS track or our LPN to RN Bridge track.   Students who attend a ZOOM session will have an opportunity to request an application be emailed to them after the session.
February 12th , 2025
 Traditional RN-AAS-Nursing Information Session
  •      Topic:  RN- AAS Traditional Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
  •      Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
  •      No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 96995347100
  LPN to RN Bridge-Nursing Information Session
(Last session before the Bridge February 15th Application Deadline)
  •      Topic:  LPN to RN Bridge Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
  •      Time: 4:00PM- 4:45PM
  •      No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 93482601275
February 26th, 2025
Traditional RN-AAS-Nursing Information Session
(Last session before the Traditional RN-AAS March 1st Application Deadline)
  •      Topic:  RN- AAS Traditional Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
  •      Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
  •      No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 98680866603
LPN to RN Bridge-Nursing Information Session
  •      Topic:  LPN to RN Bridge Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
  •      Time: 4:00PM- 4:45PM
  •      No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 97821849640
March 26th, 2025
Traditional RN-AAS-Nursing Information Session
  •      Topic:  RN- AAS Traditional Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
  •      Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
  •      No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 93327278369
LPN to RN Bridge-Nursing Information Session
  •      Topic:  LPN to RN Bridge Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
  •      Time: 4:00PM- 4:45PM
  •      No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 98999117246

Nursing Student Handbook [PDF]

Related Occupations

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.

Paramedicine (AAS)

Paramedicine (AAS)

Paramedicine (AAS)

Paramedicine and EMT (AAS and Certificate Programs)

Paramedic and EMT Program Information

As a paramedic or EMT, you will learn to evaluate a patient’s condition and administer life-saving care.

Our programs will enable you to start or advance your career path in a hospital or emergency medical services.  Graduates from Central Arizona College’s program enjoy careers with fire departments, ambulance companies, government agencies, and hospitals.

Please attend one of our monthly information sessions.  The sessions are held online using Zoom. At the Zoom sessions, you can learn about our program and get more information on the application process.

Information sessions will be held 10/22/24, 11/12/24, 12/10/24 and 1/14/25.  Click on the Zoom link below to join.

Zoom Link

Sessions start at 4 pm and last approximately 1 hour unless noted differently

Please read the information below to learn more about our programs

Paramedic (12 months)

Our rigorous program utilizes state-of-the-art technology for a perfect mix of classroom, simulation laboratory, clinical, and field experiences.  Your program will consist of over 500+ classroom hours with an additional 500+ hours of vehicular and hospital clinical experience.

The Central Arizona College Paramedic Program is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program ( The program received its first accreditation in January 2015 and completed its re-accreditation site visit in September 2018.  Central Arizona College maintains national accreditation by adhering to standards established by CAAHEP and the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Professions (

Prerequisites for the Paramedic Program

  • Have a current EMT (Basic) Certification in the state of Arizona
  • At least (1) year of experience as an EMT (Basic) or completion of EMS196 EMT Internship Class.  Please contact the Program Director for an acceptable experience
  • Current American Heart Association BLS Provider CPR card
  • DPS (Arizona Department of Public Safety) fingerprint clearance card or equivalent as determined by the EMS Program Director/Coordinator II
  • Proof of Immunization to include MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) titer or vaccine; TB Skin test within the last 6 months; Tdap (Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis titer or vaccine); Varicella titer or vaccine, Influenza vaccine, and Hepatitis B series.
  • 24-Hour Hazardous Materials First Responder certification (FSC129 is offered at Central Arizona College if needed). At the discretion of the EMS Director, the student can also submit proof of attendance in 8 hours of training that meets OSHA First Responder Operations level training, 29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(ii).
  • A negative 10-panel drug screening and criminal background check.
  • Students are required to maintain health insurance during the program.  Any injury or illness received during the program will be the responsibility of the student.
  • Drivers Licence
  • Please see the program MAP for more information about the academic part of the program.
  • Completion of BIO160 is preferred.
  • Costs 2024-25 Paramedic Program (Pdf)

The Paramedic program has a competitive application process.  Please fill out the application at

Once the application is completed we will contact you to schedule an interview and entrance exam.

Emergency Medical Technician – EMS125 (160 hours)

This program is your gateway into the field of Emergency Medical Services. In the program, students will learn fundamental knowledge of emergency medical procedures and techniques.  The program consists of over 100+ hours of lectures, 40+ hours of hands-on lab, and 16+ hours of clinical time.   The training meets or exceeds the Arizona Department of Health (ADHS) for the entry-level EMT.

All components of the program (NUR200, EMS125, and EMS125A) must be completed to be eligible to take the National Registry of EMT exam.

EMT Tuition Scholarships are available for the Spring 2025 and the Summer 2025 classes.  Click on the link below to apply for a $1500 scholarship from the GMR Foundation.

GMR Scholarship 


  • Completion of NUR200 – Medical Terminology for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (1 Credit).  To sign up for our EMT course please sign up for Medical Terminology (NUR200) first.  This program is an 8-week, 1-credit hybrid program and you will only be required to come on campus three times during the course. Contact registration for help.  If our information is under the contact information tab.
    • Transfer credit may be granted if you have a medical terminology course from another accredited institution.  Please contact the EMS director if you have any questions.
  • Proof of reading comprehension at a 10th-grade level required by ADHS as evidenced by:
    • Completion of ENG101 (from a state-credentialed college),
    • SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of 480 or greater,
    • ACT score of 22 or greater in reading,
    • or a score of 80% or more on the Reading Comprehension section of the HESI exam. To take the HESI please contact our learning center using this link 
  • American Heart Association BLS Provider CPR card.
  • The student must be 18 years of age at the time of program completion to sit for the NREMT exam (students 17 years of age are encouraged to contact the EMS director before registration.
  •  Click on the link to view the estimated Costs final 2024-2025 EMT Program (Pdf)

You will need to bring copies of the following documents to your first class and give them to your instructor.

  • Immunizations Requirements (for the Pdf. click here): EMT-ImmunizationsCPR-Insurance-Requirements
    • MMR, Varicella, TB (2-step), Tdap, HEP B, Flu Vaccine (current season).
  • BLS Provider CPR card
    • To sign up for a course at Central Arizona College use this link CPR at CAC.
    • If you cannot find a CPR course at CAC that fits your schedule try this link: CPR (American Heart Association BLS) and then choose “Find a Class” In the upper left.
  • Proof of Health Insurance
  • EMS Packet-
      • Driver’s license (front and back)
      • Proof of reading comprehension
      • Signed EMT Registration Ticket
      • Copy of Birth certificate

If you have questions or need assistance with registration please go to the contacts tab above

Related Occupations

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.

Radiologic Technology (AAS)

Radiology room with scan machine with empty bed.

Radiologic Technology, AAS

Radiologic Technology is a health care profession involving the use of ionizing radiation to generate diagnostic images in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The degree is a two-year program (six sequential semesters including summers) that prepares students for entry-level positions as radiographers.

Program Information

The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiologic Technology is a 2-year program that prepares students for entry-level positions as radiographers.

Program Details:

  • The Program is 6-sequential, 16-week trimesters including summers.
  • The program accepts 25 students to start once per year in the Spring Trimester.
  • There is NO waiting list for the program, acceptance is selective based on a point value system.
  • Students must complete the General Education Requirements with a 3.0 GPA prior to beginning with the cohort in January.
    • Students MUST have at least 8 credits completed to apply for the Radiologic Technology Program.
      • NOTE: The more courses the student has completed, the more points the student will accumulate (see selective admissions point system)
  • The Radiography program is academically rigorous in nature, involving science, math, anatomy and technical aspects of Radiologic Technology.
  • The program is a traditional day-shift style program where classes and clinical practicums are held typically between the hours of 7a-5p.
    • There are no evening or online Radiology courses available.
  • The program is based on 40 hours per week, classes are held at the Superstition Mountain Campus and clinical practicums are held at affiliated hospitals in the valley.
    • Students are required to complete approximately 1800 practicum hours within the 2 years.
    • Students should expect to drive as our clinical sites are spread throughout the valley.
    • Students will not be expected to drive anywhere that is more than a 1.5 hours from their home.
      • Program staff make effort to place students close to home when possible.

Graduates of the program are eligible to:

  • Receive an AAS degree in Radiologic Technology.
  • Sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists examination (ARRT).
  • Apply for an Arizona license to practice radiography – CRT (Certified Radiologic Technologist).

General Education Requirements:

The program recommends that you reach out to for assistance in choosing coursework that aligns with programmatic requirements.

  • Written Communications (3 credits)
    • ENG101 or ENG102
    • ENG107 or ENG108
  • Oral Communications (3 credits)
    • COM100 or higher
    • This requirement may be overridden by the radiology director if the student has
      already obtained a Bachelor’s degree.
  • Mathematics (3 credits)
    • MAT121 or higher
    • Intermediate Algebra or higher course
    • Students transferring to Northern Arizona University to complete the Bachelor of
      Science in Diagnostic Medical Imaging and Therapy program or students transferring
      to another Arizona state public university must complete MAT15+ or higher course
      where MAT12+ is a prerequisite to satisfy the relevant Arizona General Education
      Curriculum (AGEC-A) and transfer requirements.
  • Arts and Humanities [HU] (3 credits)
    • ANY Arts and Humanities course will satisfy this requirement
      • examples include: ART, HMC, LIT, MHL, PHI, THE, etc.
    • Recommend meeting the Cultural [C] and Global [G] or Historical [H] Awareness Areas
      and Literacy (if exempt from CRE101) with choice if transferring to Northern Arizona
      University to complete the Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Imaging and
      Therapy program or to complete the AGEC-A transfer requirements for an Arizona
      public state university
  • Social and Behavioral Science [SB] (3 credits)
    • ANY Social and Behavioral Science course will satisfy this requirement
    • Examples include: AGS, AJS, ASB, ECN, HIS, PSY, SOC, etc.
    • PSY101 (Introduction to Psychology) is required for students planning to transfer to
      Northern Arizona University to complete the Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic
      Medical Imaging and Therapy program
  • BIO201 Anatomy and Physiology I AND BIO202 Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits each)
    • A pre-requisite of BIO156 Introductory Human Biology OR BIO181 General Biology I is

Information Sessions:

  • Attend an Information Session
    • Please email or to be added to the distribution list and attend our virtual information session.
    • The meeting invite will be sent out the day before the meeting.
    • Information Session Dates and Times:
      • 8/1/24 @ 4pm *cancelled*
      • 9/5/24 @ 4pm
      • 10/3/24 @ 4pm
      • 11/7/24 @ 4pm
      • 12/5/24 @ 4pm
      • 1/9/25 @ 4pm
      • 2/6/25 @ 4pm
      • 3/6/25@ 4pm
      • 4/3/25 @ 4pm
      • 5/1/25 @ 4pm
      • 6/5/25 @ 4pm
      • No information sessions are held in July/ August to accommodate the interview process.

Important Documents:

Related Occupations

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.

Pre-Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment

Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment to NAU

Pre-Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment

Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment to NAU

Degree Map

Pre-Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment

Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment to ASU

Pre-Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment

Nursing pathway with Concurrent Enrollment to ASU

Degree Map

Nutrition & Dietetic Technician (AAS)

Nutrition & Dietetic Technician (AAS)

Nutrition & Dietetic Technician, AAS & Certificates

Embark on your journey to becoming a Nutrition and Dietetic Technician with Central Arizona College’s renowned online program. Proudly established and experienced, our Dietetic Technician Program has maintained accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition & Dietetics (ACEND) since 1978.

Join us from the comfort of your own home and access your dreams like never before!

Please note: Students residing in Colorado must be employed in a hospital or similar setting when applying to the program, in compliance with Colorado distance education requirements.

For prospective students located in Maine, Central Arizona College’s 100% online Nutrition and Dietetic Technician, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree program meets the educational requirements to sit for the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s Nutrition and Dietetic Technician, Registered (NDTR) national exam. Currently, Maine is the only state that requires licensure for NDTRs. Upon successful completion of all program requirements, students receive a verification statement, which qualifies them to take the national exam and pursue licensure in Maine.

This verification statement also confirms that clinical experience has been met according to program standards, aligning with Maine’s licensure requirements.

Upskill Your Employees

Elevate your workforce and future-proof your team with Central Arizona College. We’re proud to partner with renowned healthcare institutions and food service providers, offering customized upskilling solutions that not only empower your employees but also pave the way for long-term, successful careers.

Upskill Nutrition and Dietetic PageUpskill Nutrition and Dietetic Page

Program Information

Earn three certificates and your associate degree.  

The leading choice for accredited online nutrition education and career excellence.

The Dietetic Technician Program at Central Arizona College serves as a

TRUE Learning community by empowering our students to succeed.

Teaching evidence-based nutrition education for pre-professional students.
Reaching students with a passion to help improve the health of others with nutrition.
Understanding the importance of high quality nutrition education ­­­­­­­­­­­­and professional engagement.
Empowering our students to succeed in becoming competent entry-level Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians, Registered

The Dietetic Education Program at Central Arizona College offers the Nutrition & Dietetic Technician Associate of Applied Science degree accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). Upon successful completion, students will be eligible to take the Registration Examination from the Commission on Dietetic Registration. A passing score is required to become a Nutrition and Dietetic Technician, Registered (NDTR).

The Nutrition & Dietetic Technician AAS degree emphasizes medical nutrition therapy, education and wellness, and food service management. It is designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills to work in dietetics through didactic coursework and a minimum of 450 hours of supervised practical experience. NDTRs work independently or in collaboration with Registered Dietitians Nutritionists in a variety of employment settings, including health care, business and industry, community, public health, foodservice and research. NDTRs are trained in food and nutrition and are an integral part of healthcare and foodservice management teams.

All classes for the Nutrition & Dietetic Technician Program AAS degree are offered online, except the Dietetic Technician Internship which must be completed in an approved facility. The Dietetic Education Program has implemented a formal application process to the Nutrition & Dietetic Technician AAS Degree.

  • Please note: Students residing in Colorado must be employed in a hospital or similar setting when applying to the program, in compliance with Colorado distance education requirements.

Related Occupations

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.


Melinda Barnum, MS, RDN
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Kara Boley, MA, RDN
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Sheri Steincamp, MS, RDN

Pamela Hector, RDN
Dietetic Advisor/Instructional Specialist

Karrin Klosterboer
Program Assistant

Becca Ritzko M.Ed., NDTR
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Tasha Williams

Tasha Williams, MS, RDN
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Orville E. Bigelow, DHSc, MS, RDN
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Susan Leo, MPH, RDN
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Romy Nelson, M.Ed., DTR
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty

Lauren Peña, MS, RDN
Adjunct Nutrition Faculty