Our control payload will collect data to be added to a database designed to store data over the next five years focusing on the relationship between altitude, temperature, and pressure.
Our experimental payload will be a test the design of a crumple zone to protect our internal components. As well as the experimental sphere will be surrounded in solar panels will collect data to see how much power can be absorbed.
For information on our previous projects see link below:
Project Mentors
Our Control Payload Purpose and Goals
Image: Altitude Vs Temp Spring 2023
During Fall of 2023 and Spring of 2024, we launched our first two payload for data collection. During these launches we collected humidity, altitude, temperate, and pressure. Our goal is to continue collecting this data for the next several semesters to establish a consistent data base for five years. This data can be used for comparison and research to see how things change over this period of time.
After collaborative consideration, we thought it beneficial to use a design from a previous control payload as it was efficient in its ability to keep our electronics safe and functioning and withstand a substantial amount of force.
These designs were put through damage testing that included an excess amount of force being applied to the box as well as aggressive movement to ensure that the electronics were protected and held into place during flight.
On-shape designs of mechanical structures
Ayden working on the mechanical structure of the control payload.
Software / Electrical
Our software remains written in C++ for the control payload. This software will collect all data needed for our database
The electronic components are shown in the picture above they include a 324u Adalogger, an Adafruit BME680 sensor, these components will be connected to a power LED, a key switch, a batter TBD
Software flow chart
( Set up, generate new file, has 5 minutes passed, yes, close and fix the file, repeat set generate new file )
( Set up, generate new file, has 5 minutes passed, no, check sensors, write to SD card, repeat to ” Has 5 minutes passed? “
Emmanual working on the integration process
Experiment Project Goals and Purpose
Above, the experimental team is pictured.
Goals and Purpose
– Create an enclosure with a crumple zone surrounding the payload to reduce impact on the internal components.
– Collect data on how much power can be collected by 4 solar panels surrounding the outside of the Payload.
Software / Electrical
Collecting energy from UV through solar panels placed around the payload in efforts of data collection of the energy collected.
Gathering data about directional rotation, speed of rotation and the swaying from one side to another.
Back up Sensor
A back up to the control payloads data collecting electronics inserted within Experimental payload
Payload Box
TPU print of a 3x3x3 in cube with 0.1in thick walls. Holes at the corners allow bungee cords to thread through so the payload may be suspended inside the sphere. 4 holes on the top and bottom for wires to connect the solar panels and on/off switch to the electronics inside the payload.
Exterior of payload box.