Nursing, AAS
Central Arizona College’s Registered Nursing Program prepares students for the medical workforce or to complete further education to specialize in clinical practice, teaching, or administration.
Program Information
About Nursing Program
Our mission is:
- ·Teaching safe, evidenced-based practice
- ·Reaching out to a culturally diverse population within our community
- ·Understanding trends in nursing education and health care dynamics
- ·Empowering student learning through the use of innovation and technology
The program course sequence begins for new students each Fall and Spring semester. Class size is limited, making entrance into the CAC Nursing Program highly competitive. Those interested in additional information or an application to the program can attend a Nursing Information Session.
Application and Advising Process:
- Attend a Nursing Information Session to obtain an application, which is held monthly (except summer).
- Meet with an Advisor and develop a Master Academic Plan (MAP)[PDF]; signed by an Advisor. (Bring to advising meeting unofficial copies of all your transcripts.)
- Send official transcripts to Central Arizona College’s registrar.
- Take HESI entrance exams at a Central Arizona College’s testing center .
- Meet all criteria: GPA 2.75; BIO201/202 taken within the last 5 years; Pass HESI exam, AZ LPN or LNA; Eligibility to register for ENG101 and MAT141.
Turn Application Packet in by Deadline:
- RN Traditional Track Application Points Form
- Application Advisor MAP [PDF]– signed by an Advisor
- HESI exam taken at Central Arizona College
- LNA or LPN proof
- Unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended (including Central Arizona College)
- Bring packet to W110 at SPC campus, mail certified, or email application to
Past student have used study resource: HESI A2 Practice Exam app, and Nursehub
- March 1st, 6:00 pm for Fall term
- June 15, 6:00 pm for Spring term
- If the dates above fall on Friday or the weekend, the deadline date would be the following Monday
Nursing Information Session(s)
- Topic: RN- AAS Traditional Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
- Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
- No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 93327278369
- Topic: LPN to RN Bridge Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
- Time: 4:00PM- 4:45PM
- No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID: 98999117246
- Topic: RN- AAS Traditional Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
- Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
- No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID:
- Topic: LPN to RN Bridge Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
- Time: 4:00PM- 4:45PM
- No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID:
- Topic: RN- AAS Traditional Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
- Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
- No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID:
- Topic: LPN to RN Bridge Nursing Information Session Zoom Meeting
- Time: 4:00PM- 4:45PM
- No registration or sign up necessary. Meeting ID:
Nursing Student Handbook [PDF]
Related Occupations
Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.
* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.