S.E.E.4VETS Provides Funding to Central Arizona College to Assist in Development of Veterans Center
By Angela Askey, Executive Director Public Relations and Marketing
S.E.E.4VETS has pledged $13,960 to assist in funding a new Veterans Center at the Central Arizona College Signal Peak Campus. A check presentation ceremony will be held on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017 at 10 a.m. in M101 (8470 N. Overfield Road, Coolidge, AZ).
The funding received from S.E.E.4VETS will cover all remodeling expenses and provide a complete suite of office and equipment furnishings for the new Center.
Ray Torres, S.E.E.4VETS Chairman of the Board explained, “S.E.E.4VETS is dedicated to affording veterans with an opportunity to attain a career that provides them with long-term earning power.” He added, “Our board did not have any doubt about funding a veteran services center at CAC. This will be an amazing center for the school’s student veteran population.”
It is the mission of S.E.E.4VETS to accelerate the support of men and women who have served our nation in uniform as productive members of the civilian community, including the pursuit of academic or certification goals, and greater opportunity to succeed and advance in the workplace. They are the only non-profit, charity organization that assists in funding Arizona community colleges to prepare the underprepared student veteran to improve their academic standing in math, English and writing.
Jackie Elliot, CAC President expressed her appreciation, “CAC is proud to partner with S.E.E.4VETS to assist veteran students. They have a proven history of helping veterans be successful in college, and their passion and dedication is admirable.”
Of the funds pledged, The Military Order of The Purple Heart, Tucson Chapter 442 provided a $5,000 donation to S.E.E.4VETS to apply toward the CAC Veteran Center.
CAC currently serves more than 200 veteran and active military students each year.
For more information regarding Veteran services at CAC, please contact Liz Barrett, Veteran Services Specialist at 520-494-5517 or elizabeth.barrett@centralaz.edu.