Employment Services
Thank you for your interest in employment at Central Arizona College! As you begin the process, please note:
Application Requirements:
- ·Letter of interest
- ·Current resume
- ·Official Application (obtained through NEOGOV www.centralaz.edu/jobs)
- ·Unofficial copies of transcripts reflecting the required degree or course work (For position vacancy that requires college level coursework or degrees)
Application Information:
•Applications for full-time employment are accepted for current open positions only.
•Application materials must be received in Talent Development by advertised deadline date and time as indicated on the posted job announcement. For positions advertised as “Open until Filled”, application materials should be received by the first review date.
•A separate application packet is required for each position for which you are applying.
•Application materials received after the advertised deadline date and time will not be considered.
•All application materials submitted become the property of Central Arizona College and cannot be returned.
•Central Arizona College reserves the right to request additional information to verify the information submitted on your application.
•Applications not accompanied by required transcripts (official or unofficial copies), or supporting documentation, will not be considered. Copies of transcripts should reflect completed course work and conferred degrees. All academic course work and degrees must be from a regionally accredited college or university or be certified by an acceptable agency that the institution is recognized by the appropriate governmental agency in its home country (this is generally stated in the degree evaluation). Transcripts issued in a language other than English must be accompanied by a full translation (word for word) by an acceptable translator. Additionally, each foreign transcript must be evaluated for equivalency to the United States accredited course work by an acceptable agency such as those agencies certified by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). Applications containing foreign transcripts that are not accompanied with the above required documentation, will not be considered.
- Faxed application materials will not be accepted.
Background Verification: As a condition of employment, all candidates accepting an offer of employment for a full-time, part-time, temporary, student worker, or volunteer position, will be required to undergo a Background Verification. The check will be conducted by a third-party agent, General Information Services (GIS) Inc. Employment with Central Arizona College is contingent upon the successful completion of the background verification. The college does not accept responsibility for information errors reported by GIS during the background process.
Title IX Statement and Training Requirement
Title IX states: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
CAC is committed to maintaining academic programs that are free from discrimination and violence. This includes incidents of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sex- and gender-based discrimination, relationship violence, and stalking. CAC demonstrates this commitment by requiring annual Title IX training for all employees.
If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of sex- or gender-based harassment, discrimination, or violence, you are encouraged to report the incident to the CAC Title IX Coordinator:
- File a report online
- Email: titleix@centralaz.edu
- Phone: 520-494-5106 (office) or 520-840-1175 (mobile/text available)
Central Arizona College is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Central Arizona College (the College) is committed to provide equal employment opportunity in decisions involving hiring, evaluation, promotion, advancement and discipline, and educational opportunity to all applicants and employees. The College will hire without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
Campus Safety
CAC makes every effort to provide a safe and secure work environment. The Annual Security Report/Annual Fire Safety Report can be found at the CAC Police Department or at www.centralaz.edu/ANNUALSECURITYANDFIREREPORT. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on a campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by CAC; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, a campus or building or property owned or controlled by the College. The report also includes institutional policies concerning College security. You may obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting 520-494-5445. Additional information on campus safety and security can be found at CAC Police Department.
Faculty must possess minimum qualifications as specified in the following guidelines:
Academic (Transfer including General Education):
•Master’s degree in the discipline or subfield or
•Master’s degree in any field with 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline or subfield or
•In disciplines where a master’s degree is not offered and the doctorate is the terminal degree, or where the candidate has opted not to receive a master’s degree during the course of study for the doctorate degree as a terminal degree, or where all but the dissertations (ABD) of a doctorate degree has been obtained, 24 graduate semester hours in the discipline or subfield are required.
•Same qualifications as those listed for Academic or
•Bachelor’s degree in the discipline or subfield or
•Bachelor’s degree in any field with 24 upper division semester credit hours in the discipline or subfield.
•Same qualification as those listed for Academic or
•Bachelor’s degree in any field and 3 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
•License in the discipline or subfield and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
•Recognized certification in the discipline or subfield and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
•64 semester credit hours in the discipline or subfield and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
•Associate’s degree in any field and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield.
Conversational Courses:
Faculty qualifications may be approved through formal recognition of competence by the Principal Chief, Vice Principal Chief or Tribal Governor or Vice Governor or through the Tribal Office dedicated to Native American language studies
Qualifications may also be proven through a nationally recognized rating of proficiency in foreign languages to be taught.
Non-Credit Personal Interest:
Faculty qualifications are largely dependent on experience indicating the relevance of a person’s experience both at a degree level and to the specific content of the courses. Some objective measures must be used to ensure that the individual’s knowledge and expertise are sufficient for determining what students learn and what they have learned.
Limited Exemption Renewable every two years:
This classification is reserved for individuals with unique qualifications for teaching which, as examples, may include those who are nationally or regionally recognized as experts in their field, or those who have not completed the required number of graduate hours in the discipline or subfield. Limited exemptions require the approval of the President of the College and must be supported with a written recommendation from the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Division Chair and the appropriate Academic Dean.
Note: All coursework and degrees must be from regionally accredited institutions. Transcripts issued in a language other than English must be accompanied by a full translation (word for word) by an acceptable translator. Additionally, each foreign transcript must be evaluated for equivalencies to the United States accredited course work by an acceptable agency such as those agencies certified by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).
Thank you for your interest in teaching part-time with Central Arizona College.
Application Requirements:
A completed application packet should include:
- Letter of interest indicating desired subject area(s), availability (day/evening, online
and preferred location) - Current resume
- Official Application (obtained through NEOGOV www.centralaz.edu/jobs)
- Unofficial copies of transcripts
Official transcripts are not necessary during the application process; however if hired, official transcripts will be required to be sent directly to the Talent Development office from the Institution where the degree was granted.
Copies of transcripts should reflect completed course work and conferred degrees. All academic course work and degrees must be from a regionally accredited college or university or be certified by an acceptable agency that the institution is recognized by the appropriate governmental agency in its home country (this is generally stated in the degree evaluation).
Transcripts issued in a language other than English must be accompanied by a full translation (word for word) by an acceptable translator. Additionally, each foreign transcript must be evaluated for equivalency to the United States accredited course work by an acceptable agency such as those agencies certified by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).
Applications containing foreign transcripts that are not accompanied with the above required documentation, will not be considered.
The rate of pay for Adjunct Faculty for the 2022-2023 Academic Year is $775.00 per credit hour.
Faculty Qualifications can be viewed by visiting our Faculty Qualifications tab under Employment Services. All subject areas require appropriate academic preparation and/or training.
Campus and Center Locations:
•Signal Peak Campus – Coolidge
•Superstition Mountain Campus – Apache Junction
•Aravaipa Campus – Winkelman
•Casa Grande Center/Skills Center – Casa Grande
•Florence Center – Florence
•San Tan Campus – San Tan Valley
•Maricopa Campus – Maricopa
Please note: Your application materials will remain in the part-time pool for one year from the date of receipt. This does not imply application for a full-time teaching position. If a full-time position becomes available, you must submit new materials for the advertised position.
Dual enrollment instructors must possess minimum qualifications as specified in the following guidelines. Please indicate in your application which qualification field you fall under and provide appropriate documentation of degree and work experience.
Occupational/Workforce Qualifications:
- •Master’s degree in the discipline or subfield or
- •Master’s degree in any field with 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline or subfield or
- •Bachelor’s degree in any field and 3 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
- •License in the discipline or subfield and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
- •Recognized certification in the discipline or subfield and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
- •64 semester credit hours in the discipline or subfield and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield or
- •Associate’s degree in any field and 5 years of work experience in the discipline or subfield.
Academic (Transfer including General Education):
- •Master’s degree in the discipline or subfield or
- •Master’s degree in any field with 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline or subfield or
- •In disciplines where a master’s degree is not offered and the doctorate is the terminal degree, or where the candidate has opted not to receive a master’s degree during the course of study for the doctorate degree as a terminal degree, or where all but the dissertations (ABD) of a doctorate degree has been obtained, 24 graduate semester hours in the discipline or subfield are required.
Dual Enrollment Educator Application
Dual Enrollment Educator Application Requirements:
A completed application packet should include:
- Official Application (obtained through NEOGOV www.centralaz.edu/jobs). You will be required to create an account within NeoGov.
- Current Resume
- Unofficial copies of transcripts
- Current Fingerprint Clearance Card
Upon completion of the application process, please email DualEnroll@Centralaz.edu to confirm your application has been received. Your application will be sent to the appropriate division chair for further review and approval.
Student Employees
Student employees are critical resources utilized in various offices and departments within the college and with off-campus employers. Students enhance their “learning process” through knowledge gained while employed, which attributes to the overall growth of the student personally and professionally.
General Student Employment Information
It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure the student employee understands the conditions of employment at the time of hire. These conditions must include the duties of the job, length of employment, working hours, leave policy, rate of pay, student evaluations and other departmental policies.
Satisfactory work performance is expected of all student employees. If an employer feels that a student is not fulfilling the duties of his/her job, the situation must be discussed with the student employer as soon as the problem is recognized. This will ensure that the student fully understands the responsibilities of the job before additional measures are taken and time elapses.
Student Employee Eligibility Requirements
There are three employment programs available to students at Central Arizona College. Each employment option has different eligibility requirements (see below). All students that desire to be employed must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Student Employment Options:
Institutional Student Employee:
A student employed by a department or division within the College. The student does not have to show financial need for these positions. In order for a student to be hired, they must meet the following requirements:
- ·Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
- ·Must be enrolled in CAC courses.
- ·Students can work no more than 19 hours per week while classes are in session.
Federal Student Employee:
The Federal Work-study Program is a federally funded program designed for students who have demonstrated financial need as indicated by utilizing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). As a Federal Student Employee, the federal government pays the student wages. Students employed under this program must meet the following requirements:
- ·Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
- ·Must be enrolled in no less than six (6) credits at CAC.
- ·Students can work no more than 19 hours per week while classes are in session.
- ·Must be enrolled in an eligible program of study.
- ·Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). To maintain SAP a student must:
- 1) Maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
- 2) The total attempted credit hours may not exceed 150 percent of the published educational program.
- 3) Earned credit hours must be at least 67 percent of the attempted credit hours each academic year or semester as applicable.
- Note: SAP is determined at the end of each semester.
Off-Campus Employment:
There are no College requirements for most positions that are located off-campus. This employment option is available for ALL students seeking employment opportunities that are not available on campus.
Central Arizona College in its provision of services to students, alumni, and off-campus employers make no representations or guarantees regarding the opportunities listed on the job board and are not responsible for the wages, safety, working conditions or other aspects of off-campus employment. The Career Services acts strictly as a referral service and makes no particular recommendations. The integrity of each organization or person that lists an opening with the College is not researched. It is the responsibility of the students to take the necessary precautions when interviewing for and accepting part-time, full-time and/or internship positions. The student is advised to use care when applying for any position with an organization or a private individual. Students are strongly advised not to go alone to a residential address to apply for a job.
International Student Employee:
The laws of the United States regulate very closely whether students from foreign countries are eligible to work. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has limited part-time employment for international students. Students are allowed to work on campus up to 19 hours per week while school is in session and full-time during vacation periods and summer recess. International students are not eligible for College Federal Work-Study positions, as this is a United States Government sponsored program to provide financial aid to American students.
International students that possess an F1 visa may work on campus if they meet the following requirements:
•The foreign student must be enrolled in a program of study.
•Must be enrolled in no less than six (6) credits at CAC. A student can work up to 19 hours per week if enrolled in 12 or more credits, 15 hours per week if enrolled for 9-11 credits and 10 hours per week if enrolled in 6-8 credits.
•Students can work nor more than 19 hours per week while classes are in session.
International Hire Steps
The Social Security Administration regulates how international students receive and apply for Social Security numbers. International students must show that he/she has obtained employment and show proof of the employment to the Social Security Administration or a Social Security card will not be issued.
Step 1: Student must secure an offer of employment and have the supervisor complete and submit the Student Employment Assignment (SEA) form to Human Resources.
Step 2: Student goes to Human Resources and obtains a copy of the SEA and letter from Human Resources.
Step 3: Student obtains additional documentation from Registrar’s.
Step 4: Take letters/documents received from Human Resources and Registrar’s to Social Security Administration.
Step 5: Obtain and show the valid social security card to Human Resources and complete the additional hire documents with Human Resources.
Employers may interview and offer employment to the student, but the student MAY NOT, under any circumstances, begin work before they have secured a Social Security number.
To obtain a Social Security Card you may go to:
Social Security Administration
1637 East Monument Plaza Circle, Suite 2
Casa Grande, Arizona 85222
According to the Social Security Administration, it takes approximately 2 – 3 weeks to receive a Social Security card either by mail or in person.
APPLY HERE – Student Employment Pool Opportunities
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Central Arizona College is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all of its operations, employment opportunities, educational programs, and related activities. At CAC, no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any form, in any program or activity at the college, or its branches. This policy embraces all persons regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental handicap, and medical condition and expressly forbids sexual harassment and discrimination. Additionally, Career Services will only work with those employers who subscribe to EEO guidelines. Career Services abides by the principles set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
Disability Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation will be made for all employees of Central Arizona College in regard to a change in the work environment or the way a job is “normally” performed that enables a qualified person with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, making facilities accessible, acquiring or modifying equipment, devices and job procedures. It is the responsibility of the student to inform his/her immediate supervisor if there is a need for an accommodation. Students are encouraged to contact the Special Needs Coordinator to register for services.
For assistance, please contact:
Austin Gallun
Compensation & Recruiting Manager
District Office
8470 N. Overfield Rd.
Coolidge, AZ 85128
Location: H135
Phone: 520-494-5589
Email: austin.gallun@centralaz.edu