Software Development (AAS)

Software Development

The Software Development Program has two emphases: Computer Programming and Web Development. Both tracks focus on the programming skills necessary to prepare students for a career in the fast growing software industry or to transfer to a 4-year college or university.

Program Information

Computer Technology is an exciting and ever-changing field of study that is central to the functioning of all aspects of our society, business, government and our personal lives interconnected via the Internet. We are now seeing the convergence of entertainment, telephone, and business systems with common underlying digital platforms. Mobile and wireless connection options are increasing, along with options to access applications and data storage options through the cloud.

Keeping computer systems and resources functioning with the latest technology benefits, and designing future computer systems is a job category that is generating new jobs. Brad Smith, the Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Microsoft reports a need to fill thousands of jobs in the areas of computer engineering and software development (Wall Street Journal, 10/19/2012). The demand for qualified employees with skills in network design and management, programming, business application utilization, and website development is outpacing the available pool of trained potential employees. Central Arizona College is providing Computer Technology classes to address this need in four program areas.

Related Occupations

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources.


Professor of Computer Technology
Phone: 480-677-7844

Professor of Computer Technology
Phone: 520-494-5387

Instructional Specialist II
Phone: 520-494-5342