Book Recommendation
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This guide is intended to connect you to our library resources and reliable websites to assist you in your research. Click on the tabs above for information on how to find books, articles, streaming videos, citation assistance, and more. Contact your librarian with any questions.
Check out some of our newer titles. Click on the cover to view the book in the catalog.
Do you have a book recommendation? Send us an email and let us know.
Here are a few related topic guides.
Find books, DVDs, government documents, and more from any of the 5 CAC Libraries and all of the Pinal County Public Libraries.
If the book you want is at a different campus or one of the public libraries, hit the request button and enter your login information. Your barcode is found on your ID (not your 880 number) and your password is the last 4 numbers of your phone number.
Your student or staff ID is your library card. Twenty items can be checked out at one time, books for 3 weeks and DVDs for 10 days.
Use the call number to find items on the shelf. NC is the main section but listed below are more.
Lists materials from libraries worldwide and can be checked out through InterLibrary Loan. Come and speak to a library staff member to request books.
A growing collection of books covering a wide range of topics. Search by keyword(s).
Complete, full-text eBooks covering most topics including subject-specific encyclopedias. Search by keyword(s).
*Articles, eBooks, and streaming videos accessed through our databases are available only to CAC students, faculty, and staff. For this reason, authorized users who are off-campus must log in through Blackboard. Once in Blackboard, select CAC Library Page under Your Institution or Student Library Resources under Organizations, then select Databases: Articles, eBooks, and Streaming Videos.
Here are some instructional videos on using your library account online and access the library’s eBooks. You can view more of our instructional videos on our YouTube page.
In addition to using search terms in a keyword search, Academic OneFile lets you search in a way that gives you a good overview of the number of articles on a certain subject. For example: click on Subject Guide Search and enter graphic design to auto-populate appropriate search terms. Click on the link for Subdivisions to find articles on specific topics within the overall subject or click on Related Subjects to find broader, narrower, and related terms. You can also find related subjects under Marketing in the Browse by Discipline section.
Access journal articles by entering your keyword(s) into the Search box. OmniFile also lets you search by subject. Click the Advanced Search link and select SU Subject from the drop-down Select a Field (optional) menu to the right of the search box.
*Articles, eBooks, and streaming videos accessed through our databases are available only to CAC students, faculty, and staff. For this reason, authorized users who are off-campus must log in through Blackboard. Once in Blackboard, select CAC Library Page under Your Institution or Student Library Resources under Organizations, then select Databases: Articles, eBooks, and Streaming Videos.
Search by keyword(s) for information on drama, music, art history, and film-making.
Search by keyword(s) all available Gale databases and modules from just one place.
Search by keyword(s) in this comprehensive collection of periodicals supporting pop culture.
In addition to having a Quick Search feature, Pop Culture Universe lets you browse topics. Most topics have a Visual Arts link located at the bottom of the alphabetical list.
Find full length streaming videos by entering a keyword in the Search box. Click on the triple bar symbol to view all subjects. Digital Media is under the subject Media Studies.
Artist’s Magazine features artists and art in all types of media and styles.
Digital Media, Mass Media, Digital Signage, Design, Graphic Design, Graphic Arts, Graphic Artists, Graphic Arts Industry, Digital Communications, Communication Design, Visual Communication, Visual Art,Marketing, Magazine Design, Commercial Art, Corporate Design, Logos Design, Branding, Editorial Design, Magazines, Newspapers, Books, Layout (Printing), Web Site Design, Page Layout, Product Packaging, Poster, Drawing, Prints, Printmaking, Advertising, Typography, Dreamweaver, Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Computer Graphics,
Scroll through to view our research and database instructional videos or check them out on our YouTube page.
AIGA, the professional association for design and the profession’s oldest and largest professional membership organization for design with more than 70 chapters and more than 18,000 members, advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force.
LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda, is an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led course videos. With more than 5,000 courses and personalized recommendations, you can discover, complete, and track courses related to your field and interests.
Here are some reliable and helpful websites. Remember that anyone can put information online so it is always important to verify that what you find is accurate and unbiased.
Best-in-class training courses for popular apps in Adobe Creative Cloud. Delivered through a seamless learning experience.
Adorama is the world’s only full-service destination for photo, video and electronics. Adorama’s 42West is the content destination for photographers, filmmakers, audio creatives and all things electronic with up-to-date editorial features on all the latest gear, how-to’s and interviews.
The world’s largest source of photography, video, and audio equipment, as well as computers, drones, and home and portable entertainment.
Free live online classes in photography, art, design, craft & DIY, marketing, business, and entrepreneurship. Available on-demand 24-7.
Fstoppers is a community based photography news website featuring the latest industry news and original articles from photographers and videographers.
freeCodeCamp is an open source community that helps you learn to code, build pro bono projects for nonprofits, and get a job as a developer.
W3Schools is a web developers site, with tutorials and references on web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, jQuery, Java, C++, C#, React, XML, W3.CSS, and Bootstrap, covering most aspects of web programming.
WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. Title of Book. Edition if needed, Publisher, Publication Date.
Haenfler, Ross. Goths, Gamers, and Grrrls: Deviance and Youth Subculture. 3rd ed., Oxford UP, 2016.
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Publication Date, Page Range (p. for 1 page, pp. for multiple). Title of Container, URL (without the https://).
McDermott, Jim. “My Inner Zombie: Living with ‘The Walking Dead.” America, vol. 213, no. 12, 26 Oct. 2015, p. 29. Academic OneFile, ps/
Here are handouts with additional examples and further assistance can also be found on our Citation Guide.
Author, A. A., Second, B. B., & Third, C. C. (Year of publication). Title of book: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher. DOI or URL if available.
Wilson, F. (1998). The hand: How its use shapes the brain, language, and human culture. Pantheon.
Author(s), A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year of Publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL if available.
Craner, P. M. (1991). New tool for an ancient art: The computer and music. Computers and the Humanities, 25(3), 303-313.
Here are handouts with additional examples and further assistance can also be found on our Citation Guide.
RefWorks is an easy to use citation manager that can help you…
RefWorks is offered free to all CAC students and you can set up your account any time you are ready. Simply follow the link below and create your account using your campus e-mail address. After you create your account, RefWorks offers an easy tutorial when you get started. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a librarian or the Learning Center staff with any other questions you might have.refWorks
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Coolidge, AZ 85128
Phone: 520-494-5111