Radiologic Technology Students Volunteer to Cleanup Arizona Scenic Trail Near Winkelman
By Angela Askey, Executive Director Public Relations and Marketing
The Central Arizona College Radiologic Technology program conducts their annual Volunteer Day each year two days prior to Thanksgiving.
Nearly 40 radiologic technology students and their instructors gathered to work on part of the Arizona Scenic Trail near Winkleman.
The group met at the trailhead at dawn and put in over 150 man-hours conducting trail maintenance. The student work crews concentrated on trimming bushes, erosion control and trash pickup. This year marks the sixth year that the program has worked with the Pinal County Department of Open Space and Trails. Following the day of work, students rewarded themselves with a student cookout.
Prior Volunteer Day projects have included trail maintenance in other scenic areas, and providing service at local food banks, the boys and girls club, habitat for humanity and others.
Frank Mollica, Radiologic Technology Program Director explained, “Our volunteer day is something students look forward to every year. This provides them with an opportunity to give back to our community, county and state.”