Academic Success Coaches

Ensuring Students Stay On The Path & Have a Smooth Finish

Coaches Help With:

 College/Career Plans & Strategies
Career & Transfer Planning
Academic Success Strategies
On & Off Campus Resources

Advising Appointments Now Available

Advising appointments are now available for students to schedule with advisors.

Academic Success Coaches

Select your Area of Interest below
Find your Academic Success Coach
If you are a new CAC student or unsure of which Area of Interest to choose,  meet with a New Student Advisor.

Amanda  Fortier
Degrees & Certificates:
Associate of Business (ABUS)
Business, AAS & Certificate
Culinary Arts, AAS & Certificate
Hotel & Restaurant MGMT, AAS & Certificate
Recreation & Tourism Pathway, AA
Recreation MGMT, Certificate
Management, Certificate

As a first-generation student and graduate of CGUHS, CAC and NAU, I have a unique understanding of the challenges CAC students face. My aim is to provide our students with the best tools and resources available for their unique situation to ensure their academic success.

John Orozco (Spanish Speaking)
Degrees & Certificates:
Nursing, AAS
Radiologic Technology, AAS

Meets with students,
last name A-Q

I am excited to be a part of your academic journey as your advisor! With eight years of experience in advising, I am well-equipped to guide and support you in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As a first-generation student myself and a proud alumnus of CAC, I understand the unique hurdles you may face, and I am here to provide you with the assistance you need to succeed.  Lastly, I want to highlight that I am fluent in Spanish. If Spanish is your preferred language or if you need any assistance with language-related matters, I am here to support you.

Academic Success CoachElizabeth Pomeroy
Degrees & Certificates
Nursing, AAS
Radiologic Technology, AAS

Meets with students,
last names R-Z

As a foster child, college just seemed otherworldly to me. I wasn’t sure I was smart enough, or even capable, of pursuing a degree. With great determination, I completed an associate’s degree. This inspired me to continue on, completing both a bachelor’s, and eventually, a master’s degree. I love helping students navigate the wild web of college, so that they can overcome their own challenges and achieve their goals too!

Program Specific Advisors

ONLY advise for their specific programs.
Make an appointment with the person who represents the degree you would like to pursue.

Christina Brown

Program Director & Program Specific Advisor
Email for Appointment:
Phone: 480-677-7745; Cell 480-529-8548
Degrees & Certificates
(only advises for) Massage Therapy, AAS & Cert

Dr. Sandra Brightwell
Director of Health Info Management
Program Specific Advisor
Phone: 480-677-7798
Degrees & Certificates
(only advises for) Health Information Management, AAS

Pamela Hector RD

Nutrition & Dietetic Technician – Program Specific Advisor
Degrees & Certificates (only advises for the following)
Nutrition & Dietetic Tech, AAS
Dietary Manager Training Cert
Nutrition/Foodservice Training Cert
Community Nutrition Worker Cert
Diabetes Care and Education Cert
Nutrition and Health Promotion Cert

Lon Spencer M.S.

Fire Science Coordinator III-Division Chair
Program Specific Advisor
E O 520-494-5507 ; 602-818-7830
(Contact for appointment or information)
Degree: Fire Science Technology, AAS
Firefighter Operations, Driver Operator
Fire Officer, Wildland Firefighter

Nancy Juarez
Clinical Laboratory Assistant/Phlebotomy Program Director
Program Specific Advisor
(Contact for appointment/information)
E  O 520-494-5388,  M 520-280-7330
Clinical Lab Assistant

Jennifer Bishop, MT (ASCP)
Medical Laboratory Technician Program Director
Program Specific Advisor
(Contact for appointment/information)
E  P 520-494-5531
Degree:  Medical Laboratory Technician, AAS

Image Not Yet AvailableMarc Puleo MSN, RN, EMT

Emergency Medical Services Director
Program Specific Advisor
(Contact for appointment/information)

E  P 520-494-5121
Degree: EMT, Paramedicine AAS, & Certificates

Lisa Mahone
Medical Assistant Program Director
Program Specific Advisor
E  P 480-677-7712
Degree: Medical Assistant, AAS & Certificate

Lucrece Garrett
Degrees & Certificates:
Administration of Justice, AA & Certificate
History pathway, AA
Justice Studies, AAS (Corrections or Law Enforcement)
Political Science pathway, AA
Psychology pathway, AA
Sociology pathway, AA

I am first-generation college student. I have earned both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I am very excited to assist students with planning their college to career journey and I look forward to meeting with you soon.

New Student AdvisorLindsey O’Brien
Degrees & Certificates:
Computer Science pathway, AS
Engineering pathway, AS
Networking Technologies, AAS
Software Development, AAS & Certificate
Mathematics pathway, AA

I am a Central Arizona College alumna that went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering at Arizona State University. I am enthusiastic about helping guide students to achieve their education goals and career aspirations. I have held various positions at CAC over the years from being a math and science tutor to registration/admissions and now advising. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and getting up to the mountains as often as possible.

New Student AdvisorLindsey O’Brien
Degrees & Certificates:
Agriculture pathway, AA
Agribusiness, AAS & Cert
Biology pathway, AS
Chemistry pathway, AS
Equine Management, Training, AAS & Cert
Geology pathway, AS

I am a Central Arizona College alumna that went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering at Arizona State University. I am enthusiastic about helping guide students to achieve their education goals and career aspirations. I have held various positions at CAC over the years from being a math and science tutor to registration/admissions and now advising. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and getting up to the mountains as often as possible.

Dianna Davis
Degrees & Certificates:

Communication pathway, AA & Certificates
English Literature pathway, AA
English Secondary Education pathway, AA
Spanish pathway, AA

I am a first-generation college graduate and passionate about advising. I have over two decades of experience, fifteen of those years at CAC. My greatest joy comes from guiding students towards academic and career success. I am your go-to-guide for everything CAC.  Let’s achieve your goals together! 

Academic Success CoachElizabeth Pomeroy
Degrees & Certificates
Digital Media Arts, AAS & Cert(Graphic Design or Digital Photograph/Video)
Fine Arts pathway, AA (Studio Art or Music)
Entertainment Industry Technology, AAS (Stage Lighting or Music Recording & Production)
Live Audio & Lighting, Popular Music Performance, and Recording Engineering Certificates

As a foster child, college just seemed otherworldly to me. I wasn’t sure I was smart enough, or even capable, of pursuing a degree. With great determination, I completed an associate’s degree. This inspired me to continue on, completing both a bachelor’s, and eventually, a master’s degree. I love helping students navigate the wild web of college, so that they can overcome their own challenges and achieve their goals too!

Program Specific Advisors

Susan Tatterson, M.F.A.
Division Chair & Program Advisor
Email for Questions or Appointment: 
Phone: 520-494-5049

Degrees & Certificates:
Digital Media Arts, AAS & Cert
(Graphic Design or Digital Photograph/Video)

Dan Bush
Entertainment Industry Technology (EIT) Program Coordinator
Professor of Recording Engineering
Lead Faculty for Visual & Performing Arts
Degrees & Certificates:
Entertainment Industry Technology, AAS (Stage Lighting or Music Recording & Production)
Live Audio & Lighting, Popular Music Performance, and Recording Engineering Certificates

For Specific EIT program questions or recording studio tours, contact:
Dan Bush @

Sarah McLaughlin, M.F.A.
Professor of Studio Art
Email for questions or information
Phone: 520-494-5084

Degrees & Certificates:
Fine Arts, AA (Studio Arts)

jeanette verduzcoJeanette Verduzco

Degrees & Certificates
Early Childhood Education, AA
Early Childhood Education, AAS & Certificate
Early Childhood Education/ Infant-Toddler, AAS & Certificate
Elementary Education, AAEE

 I am so excited to be part of the advising team!  I have worked at CAC for approximately 16-years in various Student Services positions and I have always enjoyed helping students throughout their college journey.  As a CAC graduate, I am proud to serve Pinal County.

Lexi Porterfield
Degrees & Certificates
Automated Industrial Tech, AAS & Certs
Diesel Technology, AAS & Cert
Heavy Equipment Operator, AAS & Certs
Pipefitting/PipeWelding Tech, AAS & Certs
Structural Welding Technology, AAS & Certs
Commercial Electrician Installer, Cert

I am an alumnus of CAC; earned my graduate degree from GCU! I’ve had such great experiences with my advisors that I wanted to come back and assist others attain their educational goals. With personal experience and family members within skilled trades industries, helping navigate students though CAC’s skilled trades pathways to graduation and on to their career goals is my passion now!