Central Arizona College Phi Theta Kappa to Hold Blood Drive at Signal Peak Campus
By Angela Askey, Executive Director of Public Relations and Marketing
Central Arizona College will hold a blood drive at the Signal Peak Campus (8470 N. Overfield Road, I Building, Room 401, Coolidge, AZ) on Thursday, October 3, 2019. The event, sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), will begin at 10 a.m. and run until 2 p.m.
As a thank you for giving blood, a voucher for a free Whataburger will be given to blood donors.
For additional information, please contact Heather Moulton, PTK advisor by phone at 520-494-5384 or email at heather.moulton@centralaz.edu, call 877-258-4825 or visit BloodHero.com (Sponsor code: CACSPC).