Guided Pathways

Helping Students Find Their Path

Grant Program: Title V Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions

These grant funds are awarded through a competitive application process and administered through the US Federal Department of Education program, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program – Title V. CAC is a public Hispanic Serving Institution in Arizona. A Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) is defined as an institution of higher education that has an enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent students that serve at least 25 percent Hispanic students.

Total Amount of Grant Project: $2.4 Million

Grant Project: October 1, 2018-September 30, 2023

Central Arizona College has been awarded $2.4 million grant from the US Department of Education for a 5-year institution-wide initiative, which focuses on college-wide redesign, Guided Pathways. T Title V DHSI funding supports the goals and objectives within CAC’s strategic plan.

The redesign seeks to streamline a students’ journey from entry through graduation by providing structured program choices and support services. To achieve this, we must clarify the path for students, helping students enter the path, stay on the path, and ensure students are learning. CAC Guided Pathways framework will promote student success in meeting their educational goals, whether they transfer to a four-year institution or enter the workforce.

Title V DHSI grant has five objectives which align with CAC’s Strategic Plan:

Increase credentials awarded
Increase fall-to-fall retention
Decrease the number of undeclared students
Decrease the percentage of part-time students
Increase the transfer rate of Hispanic students.

Grant Components/Key Strategies: 

Component 1: Implementation of Guided Pathways
Component 2: Redesigning Student Advising (Transfer Center and Academic Success Coaches)
Component 3: Reforming the Math Curriculum and its requirements
Component 4: Continual Math Boot Camp
Component 5: Fiscal Stability

***The U.S. Department of Education awarded Central Arizona College a five-year Title V Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions grant of $2,413,122 in September 2018. No institutional match is required. The Title V grant funds 100% of the project.

Contact Information:

Nicole Costales
Title V Project Director
Phone: 520-494-5050
SPC N 108

Karla Sainz
Title V Program Assistant
Phone: 520-494-5050
SPC N108