Professional Career Pathway Project

The Professional Career Pathway Project

What is the PCPP?

The Professional Career Pathway Project (PCPP) is a college scholarship funded by the DES Division of Child Care through federal Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) funds. If you are currently working in the field of early childhood you may be eligible for the PCPP scholarship.

PCPP Offers:

Tuition for 24 credits per school year for approved courses only
Textbook Stipend of $50 per credit at college bookstore
Available Statewide through local community colleges

Get Started: 

CONNECT with the early childhood department at a collaborating community college. List of collaborating colleges below.
MEET with an early childhood program advisor to identify an education goal and your pathway to pursue early childhood education course work. PCPP supports early childhood coursework for the CDA Credential, Certificates of Completion, and Associate Degrees.
CHECK your eligibility. Scholars must work in a child care center, preschool, DHS group home, or be a family child care provider. Volunteers may also be eligible.
COMPLETE and submit your application via the AZ Workforce Registry website:
OBTAIN textbooks from your college bookstore.
ATTEND class!
COMPLETE all courses paid for by the PCPP with a grade of C or above to maintain eligibility.
REPEAT! Stay enrolled until you complete your pathway!

For assistance on how to apply, please view the First Things First informative video and browse the “Scholarship Process” webpage. While these reference the FTF College Scholarship, the process is the same for the PCPP scholarship.

PCPP is administered by:

Central Arizona College Early Childhood Education


For additional information contact: 1-520-494-5077 or

Department Of Economic Security. Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona

Funding provided by the Arizona Department of Economic Security Division of Child Care through Federal Child Care and Development Block Grant fund.

Equal Opportunity Employer / Program • Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities • To request this document in an alternative format or for further information about this policy, contact 602-542-4248; TTY/TDD Services: 7-1-1 • Disponible en español en línea o en la oficina local