Career Center

Career Exploration & Opportunities

CAC provides a wide range of resources for career planning, job searching, internships, and employment.  We provide these resources through workshops, assessments, and job search tools.

Explore Career possibilities with CAC Pipeline AZ 

Pipeline AZ Logo

Through our partnership with Pipeline AZ, you can search for jobs and explore career paths.  It will help you determine how your experience, passions and skills match with careers and CAC’s areas of interest.

To get started:

  1. Create an Account or Sign In to CAC Pipeline.
  2. Complete the Interests Assessment.
  3. Complete your Education and Job Profile.
  4. Explore Potential Career Paths and Opportunities.
  5. Apply for work-based experiences, internships, and jobs.

Need More Career Direction?
Take The Strong Live, Professional Career Guidance

The Strong Interest Inventory® Assessment provides insight into your interests. This will help lead you to potential careers and educational pathways.

Schedule an appointment to receive the Strong test.

After you register for the results workshop:

  1. Check your email for confirmation and the Strong Assessment link to complete on your own.
  2. Complete the Strong Assessment before the workshop.