Testing Centers
What is a proctored exam, and why do I need one?
A proctored exam is a test that is required for your course, but it is not given during class time. You may need one if your Online, Face-to-Face, or Hybrid class at Central Arizona College (CAC) requires you to take a proctored exam at an academic testing location or remotely. Your instructor will announce this requirement via in person, your syllabus, or in your Blackboard ULTRA course shell. In-person proctored exams can be scheduled by contacting any of the testing center locations listed below.
Students are responsible for reviewing their syllabi for allotted test times and due dates, and should schedule their tests to be administered accordingly. Please contact the Testing Center of your choice for available test times Mon-Thu and to schedule your In-Person exam. CAC Remote Testing is available MON-THU with a start time of 8am and an end time of 7pm and FRI-SAT with a start time of 8:30am and an end time of 4pm. Available 24/7 is Proctor-U, students should speak to their instructor before attempting to book with Proctor-U to assure eligibility.
Remote Academic Testing
Remote exams follow the same strict proctoring guidelines as in-person exams. Central Arizona College provides free remote proctored exams through Microsoft Teams. It is critical that your equipment is functioning within the technical guidelines. Schedule your required 15-minute Technology Check before your first remote exam. A Tech Check may not be necessary if you have previously completed a Tech Check with us and are using the same equipment/software.
Please do not wait until the last day of your exam to verify your equipment or to schedule your exam appointment. Due dates are the last day that your exam will be available, as set by your instructor.
At the successful completion of your Tech Check, we’ll schedule your remote exams. Remote exam appointments available on Monday through Thursday from 8:15am to 6:45pm, and Friday/Saturday 8:30 am to 4pm. Remote testing appointments available on a LIMITED “first-come/first-service” basis.
To schedule your In-Person or Remote Test/Exam call the Testing Center of your preferred location.
Aravaipa Campus in Winkelman, AZ 520-357-2821
Maricopa Campus in Maricopa, AZ 520-494-6438
Superstition Mountain Campus in Apache Junction, AZ 480-677-7761
Signal Peak Campus in Coolidge, AZ 520-494-5042
San Tan Campus in San Tan Valley, AZ 480-677-7861
Our service is completely free to students. We utilize existing technology that is also free to students and seek to constantly improve our product/service. Please see the Remote FAQ’s below for additional information.
Remote Testing FAQ’s
(Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the Technical Requirements for Remote Testing?
Video/Web camera
Currently, you can use any external or internal web camera.
You need to have audio capabilities either internal or external (headphones). You must be able to hear and be heard.
Office 365 Downloaded and Installed
Microsoft Teams App is part of the office suite. Central Arizona College offers Office365 to students for free. Watch the video. Teams App is available for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows (8.1 or later), Windows 10, and for MAC. Open Microsoft Teams App to make sure it works.
Compatible devices include: Windows OS computers/laptops, MacBook iOS, (and Chromebooks using Chrome Remote Desktop).
Tablets, cellular phones and other Cloud only devices (ex: Nexus, iPad, iPhone, Tab, Note, etc.) are NOT compatible with our current Remote Testing system.
Internet ability to stream uninterrupted content
Most internet connections will allow you to stream. The faster the connection and the less open items running equals the better the quality and speed of your internet performance.
What do I need to bring to my exam appointment?
- Be sure to bring a picture ID to your exam appointment.
- The Central Arizona College ID is preferred, but a valid driver’s license or passport is acceptable.
- Math exams: Your instructor will provide information on whether you can use a calculator, index cards, formula sheets, and scratch paper.
- Any notes and other items specifically allowed by your instructor.
What Are the Rules for Remote Testing?
- Only the tester should be in the room where the test is taking place. Music, videos or other distractions/diversions are not allowed during testing. Please make sure any other responsibilities, such as parenting, do not interfere with your test.
- You will be asked to move your camera around your testing space. Any additional person(s) entering/leaving the testing room for any reason will be documented.
- The proctors will be able to hear you. Sounds and voices observed during the test for any reason will be documented.
- All tests end when the testing center closes, and your testing room will terminate accordingly. This policy overrides the time indicator displayed within your exam.
- You must stay in the testing room until your test is complete. Leaving the room for any reason will be documented.
- When testing from home, cell Phones, wallets, purses, etc. should be in a different location. Possession of these items during the test will be documented.
- See the Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.
I forgot to schedule my exam, what do I do?
Proctors cannot adjust end dates on exams. If you miss the last testing date, you must contact the instructor for an extension. S/he will notify the testing center if the date is extended.
Most partnered exams must be taken on the same day that they are purchased. Be prepared by scheduling early and bringing the required items to the testing center.
Please call the testing center if you cannot make your appointment. Staff would be happy to find a different date that will work for you.
What Happens if I Miss My Appointment Time?
Remote testing is on a strict time schedule. If you are late for your exam, we will move on to the next student in the queue.
If you are more than 15 minutes late and/or issues arise with your equipment and software compatibility with our testing interface (discretion of the proctor), then your appointment will be canceled. Both the student and the student’s instructor will get a notification.
If a student schedules and misses two remote exams in a semester, then the remote option will no longer be available to the student. The student will have to make an in-person appointment at one of the in-person locations.
Testing Center Locations:
Students are responsible for reviewing their syllabi for allotted test times and due dates, and should schedule their tests to be administered accordingly. Please contact the Testing Center of your choice for available test times Mon-Thu and to schedule your In-Person exam. CAC Remote Testing is available MON-THU with a start time of 8am and an end time of 7pm and FRI-SAT with a start time of 8:30am and an end time of 4pm. Available 24/7 is Proctor-U, students should speak to their instructor before attempting to book with Proctor-U to assure eligibility.
Aravaipa Campus
Testing Center
80440 E. Aravaipa Rd, B-7
Winkelman, AZ 85192
Monday-Thursday 10am – 5:30pm (hours may vary)
Closed = Fri, Sat, Sun, all college breaks, and holidays
Please visit us online in Blackboard
Testing Center Precautions
Central Arizona College Testing Centers highly encourage you to be mindful of the following recommendations:
- If you are ill, exposed, or at risk of exposing others, please reschedule your test.
- Use the hand sanitizing station upon entering the Testing Center.
- We sanitize each workstation prior to and following each use.
- We encourage and enforce the CDC recommendation of Physical Distancing.
The CAC Testing Center is operating under strict protocols. Therefore, it is imperative that you are on time for your scheduled test. Late arrivals may lose their appointments. If you know you will be late, please call your respective Testing Center (see information below). Our office phones are staffed only during scheduled testing days.
CLEP, GED, HESI, NLN/NACE, TABE and Pearson VUE Testers:
Please note at this time we offer these tests as In-Person only and not at all locations. Virtual testing for these specialty tests are offered by their testing servicers directly (any associated costs at the Tester’s expense).
Safety Precautions:
We will continue to make every effort to stay in compliance with the CDC’s guidelines such as practicing physical distancing, conducting frequent and proper sanitizing of personnel and equipment, and limiting crowd size etc. to promote staff and students’ safety.
Instructors may choose to use a third party to administer your proctored exam. Third Party (non-CAC) proctored exams:
If our physical centers and/or remote testing is fully booked, students may test via the following Test Services: However, all associated fees are at the Tester’s expense:
- ProctorU (instructors will need to put the test on the ProctorU site)
- ProctorU to proctor your mid-term or final, click here. For more information see the Testing Partners page.
- Respondus (instructors will need to set up Respondus in Blackboard)
- Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitoring, click here. You may also view a brief introduction on Respondus LockDown to get started; however, please note the following information:
- To install Respondus Lockdown Browser on your home Computers, click here.
- Technical considerations for Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitoring
District Testing Centers
- Students may choose another one of our district testing centers
- Students may find a CAC recognized testing center and then inform their instructors as such. These testing centers may include one of the following:
- A college or university testing center
- A military educator or officer with higher rank than the student
- A certified testing site/center
Third Party Test
Third party tests are arranged between your instructor and the third party. Academic Testing has no information about tests given through these services.
What do I need to bring to my exam?
Be sure to bring a picture ID to your exam appointment. The Central Arizona College ID is preferred, but a valid driver’s license or passport is acceptable.
Math exams: Your instructor will provide information on whether you can use a calculator, index cards, formula sheets, and scratch paper. Lockers are provided so that items that are not allowed may be secured by the tester.
Partnered exams may require your receipt from the cashier’s window or other materials.
Can I walk-in and take an exam?
Student walk-ins will be accommodated based on time and space availability.
Walk-ins should anticipate longer waits during peak testing periods.
Calling at least one week in advance can help to ensure that you receive your preferred time and date.
Can I bring my family to the testing center?
The testing center observes College Policy 508 – Minor Children on Campus.
“No employee, student, or visitor to the College shall leave a child under the age of 16 unattended on campus, nor may such person leave a child with a College employee or student, unless the child is enrolled in and attending an authorized program of the College.”
What are the rules at the testing center?
All tests end five minutes to close. Example 6:55 p.m. This is true even if your test indicates that you have more time.
You must stay in the testing room until your test is complete. Leaving the room for any reason will result in the submission of the test, and possible notification for academic dishonesty. *
Cell Phones, wallets, purses, etc. should be in a locker. Possession of these items in the testing room will result in a notification of academic dishonesty. *
Scratch paper and notecards will be collected at the end of your test. Please turn them in.
*See the Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.
How do I pay for my GED?
Pay for your GED test here.
How do I pay for a different partnered exam?
To purchase a partnered exam that may require a fee, testers need to go to the cashier’s window and purchase the exam. The cashier should have a fee schedule.
Remember to bring your receipt to the testing center.
No monies are exchanged at the testing center.
I missed my exam, what do I do?
Proctors cannot adjust end dates on exams. If you miss the last testing date, you must contact the instructor for an extension. S/he will notify the testing center if the date is extended.
Most partnered exams must be taken on the same day that they are purchased. Be prepared by scheduling early and bringing the required items to the testing center.
Please call the testing center if you cannot make your appointment. Staff would be happy to find a different date that will work for you.
Faculty Forms and Resources
25-Spring TRF (test request form)
Respondus LockDown Browser Instructor Tips [PDF]
Respondus: Assessment Tools for Learning Systems
Non-CAC Testing Centers
Please download documents and open in Adobe Reader in order to fill out the forms.
Check your Windows default! Do not open in a browser, the information may not save.
Podcast Room 
The Signal Peak Campus – Learning Center hosts the Podcast Room! This recording studio is free for CAC Students to use, and has everything you need for creating podcasts, videos and presentations. Schedule your 2-hour reservation by clicking this link, or by contact any Learning Center to schedule.