Why should I Live on campus?
When it comes to finding a place to live, we know you have choices and we are happy you picked us. Please feel free to browse our pages to get acquainted with what we have to offer.
Top 10 Reasons to Live on Campus
Living on campus can help you develop social skills, get better grades, and be more involved in campus life.
- Be closer to classes, the library, and the dining hall
- Avoid traffic issues
- Develop social skills and meaningful friendships
- Learn to compromise and negotiate with others
Better grades
- Students who live on campus have higher GPAs than those who commute
- Campus residents are more likely to graduate in less time
Campus activities
- Participate in clubs, groups, and activities
- Get to know other students
Personal development
- Gain independence within the security of the community
- Learn to live cohesively with others
Academic outcomes
- Be closer to classes, faculty, and facilities like the library
- Be more engaged
- Residence hall staff and campus police can be reached at any time
- Have unlimited access to social lounges, study rooms, and game rooms
How do I Live on Campus?
Check out our On-campus living page for the details on what we have to offer and how to apply for on-campus housing. Click Here for more information!
To provide a living and learning environment, the opportunities, and guidance to assist students in achieving their goals.
This mission can only be achieved by a dedicated staff and programs focused on the following core values:
- ·Commitment to Service
- ·Personal Growth
- ·Student-Centered
- ·Academic Achievement
- ·Meaningful Relationships
- ·Integrity
Department Information
Our business hours are Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. You may reach our office staff by phone, email, or virtual meeting times by phone at 520-494-5470 or email at rlstaff@centralaz.edu. For direct contact with a staff member, please see the contact information in the staff profile section at the bottom of this page.
The Staff
The Residence Life staff consist of full-time professional staff, part-time student staff, Resident Hall Association leaders, and a team of Resident Assistants. Each group play a crucial role in ensuring residents have a learning and living environment to enhance their college experience.
Housing Operations Specialist, Adriana Porchas
Contact for assistance with questions about:
- Assistance with an eRezLife account
- Housing Application status
- Residence Hall tours
- General Housing and Residence Life Questions
Email: adriana.porchas@centralaz.edu
Phone: Call 520-494-5470
Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life, Ronnie Moore
Contact for assistance with questions about:
- Residential Living Orientation
- Resident Assistant Staff, Recruitment, Training, and Staff Development
- Community Development Programming
- Roommate Conflicts or issues
- Residential Hall Association (RHA)
Email: ronnie.moore@centralaz.edu
Phone: Call 520-494-5472
Director of Housing and Residence Life, Rosemary Auten
Contact for assistance with questions about:
- On-campus Housing and Residence Life
- Mental Health Support Services
- Student Conduct
Email: rosemary.auten@centralaz.edu
Phone: Call 520-494-5471
The Residence Life Compendium [PDF] has been developed and contains the rules and requirements for on campus living.
Ombuds Program
The Ombudsman Program provides confidential, neutral, independent and informal assistance to those who have concerns arising from or affecting their studies at Central Arizona College. We welcome all students. We listen to students and offer information about policies and procedures, and help students examine options for resolving concerns. We are committed to building a respectful and collaborative community at Central Arizona College.