Vision, Mission and Goals
Our Vision:
Create a world-class learning experience and a great place to work.
Our Mission:
Central Arizona College serves as a TRUE Learning community by empowering our students and staff to succeed.
Teaching. Reaching. Understanding. Empowering. Learning.
Our Values:
- Accountability (internal & external stakeholders)
- Communities (students, employees, public)
- Trust
Wildly Important Goals (WIGS):
Improve first-to-second term persistence for all new students from 49% to:
55% by 2025 (166 students)
62% by 2026 (360 students)
70% by 2027 (582 students)
Common Student Learning Outcomes:
Central Arizona College supports student success and academic achievement by providing a high quality education which integrates continuous improvement strategies in teaching and learning. CAC’s graduates possess academic knowledge, skills, and attitudes of an educated citizen, including competency in our Common Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs).
The four Common Student Learning Outcomes are:
Cultural and Civic Engagement
Participate in diverse environments while demonstrating global citizenship and social consciousness
Integrative Knowledge
Identify, comprehend, apply and synthesize facts, concepts, theories and practices across broad and specialized knowledge areas
Personal and Professional Skills
Demonstrate skills which enhance personal and professional development
Reasoning Skills
Inquire and analyze to solve problems, draw logical conclusions, or create innovative ideas
The CSLOs were approved by the Pinal County Community College Governing Board on September 18, 2012.