Central Arizona College Rodeo Team

Central Arizona College Rodeo Team is located in Coolidge, AZ. The CAC Rodeo is part of the Grand Canyon Region of the NIRA. Go Vaqueros!

How to Apply to CAC Rodeo Team

How to Apply to the Rodeo Team:

Email cacrodeo@centralaz.edu the following information:

  • A biography about yourself
  • A list of your rodeo accomplishments
  • Videos of you competing

If you are interested in applying for a rodeo scholarship, use the link below.

Scholarship Application CAC Rodeo

How to Apply to CAC

How to Apply to College:

Use the following link to apply to Central Arizona College. Here are some things to remember:

  • Choose the Signal Peak Campus as “your” campus.
  • Rodeo athletes must take 12 acacdemic credits per semester. 9 of them must be F2F (not online).
  • International athletes must take 12 credits F2F.

CAC Admission Re-direct 

Contact Information

Joe Moody

Co-Head Coach

Office: (520) 494-5313

Skyla Teel

Co-Head Coach

Office: (520) 494-5378

Kayse Mahoney

Assistant Coach

Office: (520) 494-5631
Cell: (480) 302-0588